
May 10, 2020 • 瞎折腾





INS8250是以前IBM PC上负责串口通信的芯片,现在说8250基本上就泛指兼容8250的一套芯片了,在之后还有INS16550,它完全兼容8250芯片的代码,而且还比8250多了一些功能。但归根结底,这个实验只用8250就够了。




  • 检查接收有无错误
  • 接收新字符
  • 发送字符



; Full Duplex Communication Program using INS8250
; 3FBh - Line Control Register                
; 3FDh - Line Status Register
; When D7 = 1:
;     3F8h - Division Latcher low 8bits
;     3F9h - Division Latcher high 8bits
; When D7 = 0:
;     3F8h - Recieve buffer / Transmit hold Register
;     3F9h - Interrupt Enable Register         

data segment

stack segment
  dw 64 dup(0)

code segment
    ; set segment registers:
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    ; initialize 8250 
    ; set DLAB(Division Latcher Access bit) to 1, to set division latcher
    mov dx, 3FBh
    mov al, 10000000b ; 1 0 000 0 00 b                                                   
    out dx, al                                                           
    ; set baud rate to 4800bps
    mov dx, 3F8h
    mov AX, 24 ; When using 1.8432Mhz, according to datasheet
    out dx, ax ; When writting 2byte, low 8bits goes to 3F8h and high 8bits goes to 3F9h
    ; set uart parameter: 7 bits data with no fancy things
    mov dx, 3FBh
    mov al, 00000010b ; 0 0 000 0 10 b
    out dx, al
    ; disable interrupt, here we using query looping    
    mov dx, 3F9h
    mov al, 0 ; 0000 0000 means disable all interrupts
    out dx, al

    ; the main query loop
    ; to ack simulator only, no need for real hardwares
    mov dx, 3FFh
    mov al, 0FFh
    out dx, al 
    ; query and wait line 
    ; read line status register
    mov dx, 3FDh
    in al, dx
    ; bit 1~4 corresponds to different errors
    test al, 00011110b
    ; if any of those bit is 1, go error handler
    jnz errorHandler
    ; then lookup bit0, corresponds to receiver data ready
    test al, 00000001b
    ; if is 1, means data is ready to read
    jnz receiveHandler   
    ; last thing is to check if ready to transmit
    ; bit5 corresponds to transmitter holding register empty
    test al, 00100000b 
    ; if 1, means ready to put new data
    jnz sendData
    ; if none of them satisfied, keep waiting
    jmp mainLoop
    ; return 0 
    mov ax, 4C00h
    int 21h  
; if error occur, put a '?' on screen             
    ; read broken data 
    mov dx, 3F8h
    in al, dx
    ; print question mark on screen
    mov ah, 02h
    mov dl, '?'
    int 21h
    ; continue
    jmp mainLoop

; read data and print it on screen
    ; read data
    mov dx, 3F8h
    in al, dx
    and al, 01111111b ; select only low 7bits, since we only send 7bits
    ; now al is the data we received
    ; print it to screen
    ; save al to prevent dos function change it
    push ax ; cannot perform push al, since stack operate 2 bytes at once
    mov ah, 02h
    mov dl, al
    int 21h
    ; recover data
    pop ax
    ; check if is '\CR'
    cmp al, 0Dh 
    ; if not, continue
    jnz mainLoop
    ; if is, then "\CR\LF" means a new line
    ; print '\LF' 
    mov ah, 02h
    mov dl, 0Ah
    int 21h
    ; continue
    jmp mainLoop

; send data, send one char at once  
; press ESC to terminate program
    ; check if keyboard has input 
    mov ah, 0Bh
    int 21h
    ; now al = 0 means no input, al = FF means has input
    ; if no input, continue 
    cmp al, 0
    jz mainLoop
    ; else read input
    mov ah, 0 ; function 0 of 16h has no echo
    int 16h ; using keyboard IO here, al is the character
    ;now al is the char we want to send
    ; if is ESC
    cmp al, 1Bh
    jz exit
    ; if not exit
    mov dx, 3F8h
    out dx, al
    ; done, continue
    jmp mainLoop
end start







import kotlin.random.Random

// to show binary properly
fun Int.formatBinary(): String =
    Integer.toBinaryString(this).takeLast(8).let {
        if (it.length < 8)
            "0".repeat(8 - it.length) + it

// easy to set line status register 
fun generateStatus(vararg status: Int): Byte = status.fold(0) { acc, i -> acc or i }.toByte()

// write portFile and reload by return new value
fun refresh(file: File, data: ByteArray = byteArrayOf()): ByteArray {
    if (data.isNotEmpty())
    return file.readBytes()

fun main() {
    // emu8086 io file
    val portFile = File("C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\VirtualStore\\")

    // Address of registers
    val lineControlRegisterAddr = 0x3FB
    val lineStatusRegisterAddr = 0x3FD
    val divisionLatcherRegisterLowAddr = 0x3F8
    val divisionLatcherRegisterHighAddr = 0x3F9
    val dataRegisterAddr = 0x3F8
    val interruptEnableRegisterAddr = 0x3F9

    // watch dog, let emulator know a new loop start
    val watchDog = 0x3FF

    // status
    val transmitError = 0b00011110
    val readyToTakeData = 0b00000001
    val readyToPutData = 0b00100000

    // buffer
    var lineControlRegister = 0
    var divisionLatcherLowRegister = 0
    var divisionLatcherHighRegister = 0
    var dataRegister = 0
    var interruptEnableRegister = 0

    // main loop
    while (true) {
        //at first if emu8086 don't output something, then this file is missing.
        var bytes = try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {

        // keep 8250 ready to send new data
        if (bytes[lineStatusRegisterAddr].toInt() and readyToPutData != readyToPutData) {
            //ready to accept data from 8086
            bytes[lineStatusRegisterAddr] = generateStatus(readyToPutData)
            bytes = refresh(portFile, bytes)

        // line control register change listener
        if (lineControlRegister != bytes[lineControlRegisterAddr].toInt()) {
            lineControlRegister = bytes[lineControlRegisterAddr].toInt()
            println("Line Control Register set to: " + lineControlRegister.formatBinary())
            if (lineControlRegister and 0b10000000 == 0b10000000) {
                //change 0x3F8 and 0x3F9 to division latcher
                bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterLowAddr] = divisionLatcherLowRegister.toByte()
                bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterHighAddr] = divisionLatcherHighRegister.toByte()
            } else {
                // change 0x3F8 and 0x3F9 to data and ier
                bytes[dataRegisterAddr] = dataRegister.toByte()
                bytes[interruptEnableRegisterAddr] = interruptEnableRegister.toByte()
            //update bytes
            bytes = refresh(portFile, bytes)

        // can access division latcher
        if (lineControlRegister and 0b10000000 == 0b10000000) {
            // 0x3F8 and 0x3F9 is division latcher
            // division latcher low
            if (divisionLatcherLowRegister != bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterLowAddr].toInt()) {
                divisionLatcherLowRegister = bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterLowAddr].toInt()
                println("Division Latcher Low Register set to: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(divisionLatcherLowRegister))

            // division latcher high
            if (divisionLatcherHighRegister != bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterHighAddr].toInt()) {
                divisionLatcherHighRegister = bytes[divisionLatcherRegisterHighAddr].toInt()
                println("Division Latcher High Register set to: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(divisionLatcherHighRegister))
        } else {
            // can access receiver and transmitter register
            // 0x3F8 and 0x3F9 is data
            if (interruptEnableRegister != bytes[interruptEnableRegisterAddr].toInt()) {
                interruptEnableRegister = bytes[interruptEnableRegisterAddr].toInt()
                println("Interrupt Enable Register set to: " + interruptEnableRegister.formatBinary())

            // if new data is arrive
            if (bytes[dataRegisterAddr].toInt() != 0) {
                dataRegister = bytes[dataRegisterAddr].toInt()
                print("Transmit request: $dataRegister, ")

                //begin to transmit, clear ready to accept date
                bytes[lineStatusRegisterAddr] = generateStatus()
                refresh(portFile, bytes)
                // delay for transmit, wait for next loop
                // add delay here to make sure 8086 wait transmition finished
                do {
                    bytes = refresh(portFile)
                } while (bytes[watchDog].toInt() == 0xFF)
                bytes[watchDog] = 0
                if (Random.nextDouble() <= 0.05) {
                    // got an error
                    bytes[lineStatusRegisterAddr] = generateStatus(transmitError)
                    println("Transmit error")
                } else {
                    // repeat char sent
                    bytes[lineStatusRegisterAddr] = generateStatus(readyToTakeData)
                    println("Loop char read")
                bytes = refresh(portFile, bytes)
                //wait next loop, during this 8086 should take data
                // TODO change this to make sure only read data once. 400 is ok to delay 1ms per instruction

                bytes[dataRegisterAddr] = 0
                refresh(portFile, bytes)



当然了,一个更理想的办法自然是初始化时便写入0x3FF,然后每次读取的时候写一次0x3FF,这样更方便实现,但是考虑现实的话,如果过几周开学了我肯定要去机房调程序,那个时候我肯定已经忘了这些细节了,如果因为这些写入3FF而出现负作用,肯定会让我很烦恼。因为在循环一开始,因此我很快能够发现,配合注释删掉就是了。如果放在开头初始化和后面接收子程序里,我可能不会很快发现,到时候把时间耽误在这上面,有点得不偿失。如果各位不需要上机调试的话,完全可以修改我的程序,让他在每次读的时候写入看门狗地址,这样后面就不需要调成132行的等待时间来匹配Emu8086的运行速度了。代码中的400是调节Emu8086运行时step delay为1ms时正常工作的值。


【歪门邪道】8086汇编操作INS8250进行串口全双工通信及Emu8086用INS8250模拟器天空 Blond 采用 知识共享 署名 - 非商业性使用 - 相同方式共享 4.0 国际 许可协议进行许可。
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    Always remember, there will be reverberations.
    ——from a friend of you

    1. @Typecho Official谢谢~

    2. @天空Blond(^_^)

  2. tsz tsz


  3. wys wys


    1. @wys确实,现在发现越大留给自己自由使用的时间就越少了

    2. wys wys
